Monday, November 10, 2008

Another story from this spinning rotating thingy that we live on.

~ in other words ~

Once upon a metaphoric plateau,
I bounced around the non-existence of what is ethereal.

Just another average moment, one would think,
but alas, tucked under the dark cold ground,
there was a dream that was resting,
and as he put it,

"I am the oldest dream left,
destined to become real (inside and out)
or forever lay here in your head,
torturing you while you go about reality."

What was I to say to that, nothing could be said.
So I lay there with that dream, and I pulled the ground to my chest.
Oh, I spilled my mind to the poor yet vibrantly beautiful dream.
he shared with me his desire,
while I had only my fading faith,
and perhaps some DNA to help him take dwelling in 'my' waking reality.

This story I can only guess,
will end in a tortured mans downfall,
or a loving dream's destiny will manifest itself to all.

Yet I question strongly if one can occur without the other.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I note my present situation in black & white pixels.

So, a few days away and you pick your new master,
I mean, I'm sorry, you pick 'our' new president.

You won't ever see what the fuck I am seeing,
for if I live NOW, and outside of the void you call time,
than why would I care about a course of action that takes time?

Moments are things that you wait for, and then they pass,
and you just remember them.

My moments are a bit different,
they take place right now, I want change today,
but it is not offered by them, so I change myself a little bit,
in spite of their efforts to make us all WAIT.

You can see the madness, they know that you see the madness,
yet offer no solution, while you just hope that they won't screw you over.

When? Oh Dear God, Fucking When Will You Enter Our Souls
On A Whole Level And See Yourself In Each And Every 'Other' ?

The time is upon us now! Not because it's nearly November,
but because it is simply NOW !

Do you understand? They will always have control,
if you keep giving them our Present Moment.
They are stealing our Real Time, via a false fucking world.

Tonight I will celebrate how much I don't give fuck about them.
Tonight I will endlessly declare my right to not play in their game.

Sic Semper Tyrannis.
Carpe Diem.
Paix, Paix, Paix !
~Your's in heart~

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lame note on a wierd day

dear prudent one,

hello I say,
please come, and please do stay.

allow your need to rush, fade away,
and you're sense of youth, to come out, and play.

dear mother earth, dear father time,
hello to you,
thanks for letting me pass through.

the universe brought this moment out of nothingness,
and asked it kindly to take place,
and so I say amen.

dear all of you who fail to grasp the concept of eternity,
hello friends,
bless you with life,
that you may indeed help the rest of us work toward a goal of universal morality,
through a culmination of sense and familiarity.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Stairway back to heaven.

Life you see, and death you don't,
yet the living are blind,
and the dead lead us to true sight.
Be it hindsight, or foreshadow,
it is a sense that we should not let slip away.

How dull it is, and truly wrongdoing,
to allow ignorance to prosper in such a helpless world.

How helpless we are as a species,
leading to utter oppression of all other life and even the inanimate.

Riddle me useless, and riddle me to insanity,
I cannot solve your pointless riddle for the life of me.
Yet I have one for you.
'What is Love?' can you tell me?
Can you not tell me?
What is true love?

Your answer is wrong.
For the true meaning of love is enigmatic.
It only exists if on a Universal level.
And if, as a whole, we have not reached that level...
well than true love is yet to exist,
but only tease those who have heart and mind connected.

I don't know what I'm saying...

Monday, May 26, 2008

1st Journal Entry In Wyoming

As mindlessness takes hold
I contemplate eternity
and my mind becomes enveloped
in a conversation with the roots
from which I've grown.

My expanding concept of Now
mingles with my already infinite Then.
They don't get along.

Even here, where Earth's history
takes deep root, there is such a
sense of survival based on
popularity. And I stand alone
in wanting to learn my Earth's
mysteries, it's secrets that come
with peace of mind, not with having
to prove myself even more worthy
with inane tests.

I have been pushed my
entire life. I have figured
out riddles that few dare
even to be asked, in fear they get
lost. But, they don't realize that
they were born lost, deep in
the cosmos, into an island
that is not charted in even
the most in depth galactic maps.
We call it Earth.

The human heart, solely, is a compass
that will always point in the direction
of home, whichever form home will
take, in an infinite yet lost world.
The human brain, appears to be our
ability to interpret the coordinates
in which our hearts are ever-striving to reach.

The sad truth is that the
newly growing hearts that are
the youth, are losing their ability
to find home, as their compasses
are being doused with cyanide.

All the while, their brains cannot
send their hearts in the right direction,
(due to the masters of illusive happiness,
who provide a false sense of being home)
because in fact they are facing a rock wall
in a cave, left to ponder about shadow puppets
that move around on a reoccurring film strip.

And nobody will listen to my solution
as I scream it out loud.
TURN AROUND! Look at what they
have made you think is real. We need to
leave this mind trap of a cave,
and understand the island we've grown so attached to.

But it's impossible if all of your backs are turned.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The sky and ground have never been so close..

The thing about life m'dear,
is that the rules of infinity
were never too clear.

Love in the busy streets,
the messy beds,
the hungry stomachs,
and soda breads.

Consequence though,
is it always to be dragged out and lame?
is aftermath never cherished?

regardless of who called,
and who came.

Dazed shepherds we be,
finding saint-hood and solace inside of one another.
Yet the world turns and let's us basque in the everlasting now.

They turn that wrinkled page
that's already been read,
while we cling onto the words of God,
that appear in the first chapter,
and find love and understanding,
yet can't apply it to mankind's priorities.

Does that mean they are skewed?
are they crazy are they fucking nuts ?!

Am I crazy?
and fucking nuts?

At least m'dear,
the equinox has passed.
the ice bodies will melt,
and scream HAPPY BIRTHDAY !

And as melted snow fertilizes the spring soil,
the thawing veins and vessels of Man,
shall embrace the tree of One Infinite Mind,
and connect all people,
of past, present, and future time.