Monday, March 23, 2009

Radio check.. check.. we're clear

Up to date, I'd say "When the fuck are we?"
Does it even matter any more?
I want to know what would cause the biggest disruption.
What would send souls searching for solace?
I have time as my platform, and a wave of potentialities
rippling from my fingertips. Let's see what happens.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Same ol' song, changing it's tune with the times

Established deceitful system of wrongfully intentioned
infiltrators of a should-be Just government.
They dangle marijuana in front of our faces,
and then when we reach for it, they say NO,
you can't make choices for yourself,
you must go to jail for thinking otherwise.

But I see the day, when we wake up,
and we dangle the power from the people
in front of these dark suited individuals,
and when they reach out for our Compliance, we say NO,
you cannot take control of the world as a self-made god,
you must have been foolish to think you could go on
turning OUR opinions into distant echoes behind "Official" information.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Did you ever get fed up? I said “I mean did you ever get scared that everything was going to go lousy unless you did something?"

title credit to JD Salinger
When in the course, of the only life one knows,
there lies the answer to your greatest question.
Snuck into the fabric of time, and space,
so that patience alone, is the key to solving that riddle.
My questioning of existential perception, has varied
over the spread of my waking life. As the unknown becomes
known, and right back to a greater unknown. The depth that
comes with utilizing all four accessible dimensions is a vast
field of potential that I rarely see people in control of.
Outward, outward, forever the answer must be out there.
But really? Maybe in the uncharted forests, but you will not
find answers in established society. For the "answers" from
your computer screen and television, are failing to produce
local action. Failing to produce ANY real action.
Take your dusty bikes out of the garage.
Plant some tomatoes in your back yard, and tend to them.
Gather 5 friends and protest the nearest Wal-mart,
I doubt the local businesses would mind.
I'm not sure who killed the electric car,
nor can I prove that Kennedy didn't want his vision to die along with him.
I don't want to see the world fail at collaborating, just because
we feel like our force cannot escape from the web of a system
of which we've become trapped and intertwined in.
Human race, at once, synonymous with the egoistic based
society of which we fail to shed the skin of, time and time again.

I'll enjoy nonetheless, all that comes with having my own mind,
regardless of whatever tomorrow brings.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Titles deceive (like my previous one) but substance achieves

Type a type of flowing form,
meanings full of something warm.
Black and white show on the screen,
but can I write the color green?
I could describe an overly,
enthusiastic snake.
Or maybe a teenager leaf, not yet ready,
for the pallbearer's rake.
Would you know what I call yellow?
In a crowded street, it's all that is mellow.
It's the alley-cat king, atop it's trashcan throne.
It's the fresh graffiti, source unknown.
Is it worth all of your consumer distractions,
to miss out on the colors, of untapped interactions?

The negro jazz man, playing "Come Together"
in the subway as we sing-a-long,
to avoid what was dark and frigid November weather.
He accepted a large bag of chips, for donation,
and said "you must be purple, just like me,
cause I sure as hell don't see no caucasian."

"Underneath" I realized that night,
is our defining color, beyond visual sight.
The force that guides what you do on this plane (of existence)
shows, when you peel back your skin,
and loosen the tight grip on your brain.

What then, is for sure?
Well I know only my path.
Maybe you need to find the wandering jazz man,
or maybe just ponder a crowded street.

Monday, March 2, 2009

This will be my final note, I don't know what else to say

So this is you? You've come a long way, eh?
I don't know who you are, but I'm sure you've got a story.
Well you definitely have access to a computer, that's fact one.
You know that we live on 'Earth' (as the english speaking folk would say)
That's fact two.
Ancestors that we come from, well most of them liked to record their
insightful observations, and make contributions toward keeping their
personal beliefs afloat over a mess of long-lasting manipulative lies.
If music from the 1960's & 70's were a voice of the people,
well than, the ones that ultimately govern, played deaf and dumb.
If hope of what we know inside, were to manifest and flourish
on the spot.. well than the ones that ultimately govern,
would be ejected from their power house, the way Lady Justice
would be scolded for lifting up her blind-fold. For we judge not
by the apparent view the Media forces on people, but by
the inherent logic of a peaceful means, with fairest results in mind.
If all of history, prior to this moment, were to be examined by pure light..
well that light would stand in front of you and say, "Well your kind have
definitely been through an intense span of perpetual growth. Thus
humans have also been hindered by a perpetually faux dominance.
So open up and say 'Ahh' I have the cure for the extreme duality
you've been experiencing. I will ask you to shed light (true focus)
over towards the dark trap of the faux domineering ones. This will take
courage, for looking into the root cause of your previously unseen disease
is a task that requires a sense of self that is wiser than the egoistic mask
that has been basking in the dark of your collective soul."

My self, at least, well, I have been grabbing at the dark of my soul,
looking within, with a light I didn't know could be used in such a way.

I pray now, that compassion is known, through and through,
and that light is forced upon the ignored aspects of the collective,
and thus, upon the dark times that manifest on the world scene.
Answers, fair-trial based justification, diplomacy, relations, relativity..
What mean they, those words.. at heart?