Entertainment, court arraignment, and a fine line in between.
Growing older, tv's colder, we're the victims of high self-esteem.
Watch your temper, stare it down, to convert the source of rage.
We want, we need, some simple times, to freshly ink our own page.
Leak hate in through the system's gates, and tell me if they enjoy the reality of a looking glass.
Sweet history says 'Yes they do' they love calling us illegal, and themselves rational.
Back please back the fuck down I say, you monolithic accomplice ridden PIG.
Who so called you God? Not I nor my companions. Ignorance that you propagate is still a lie.
I've never heard of any want, except the want to love and help and realize one another,
so that mutually, yeah, we can enjoy experience ten-fold what is possible in a perpetual fiction.
I won't suggest that I have authority over judging your mis-takes.
For if I am your brother and not your God (as we all are siblings in soul) then I cannot sell you any form of an unworthy status-quo. That little fact, I mean, does it not call to attention, that our "should-be" siblings in government, also cannot implement irrational logic as Law? Especially in an age such as the time has brought upon, where enlightenment of the true and corrupt version of history has been simply revealed. The perspective of which they've had us dismiss at the elementary level.
Gentle people of today, are fighting for whats always been fought for, at enough of a common-sense level, to the point where I wretch inside when the iron-fist of assholes pull off the illusion of having the upper hand. I don't even know how to conclude this with a firmer statement.
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